The spirituality of Valnerina
The Valnerina, taking its name from the Nera river crossing it, and caractherized by an interesting environmental landscape, is famous for Norcia and Cascia, two historical and artistic gems of Umbria, but above all two outstanding examples of the spirituality of the region .
Norcia, seriously injured by the last earthquake, is the birthplace of San Benedetto, founder of Western Monasticism and Patron Saint of Europe.
Cascia, the birthplace of Santa Rita, the “Saint of the Impossible”, one of the most venerated in the Western world, is the destination of many pilgrimages.
An efficient system of escalators allows you to easily reach the Sanctuary dedicated to her, which houses the tomb, built in the middle of the last century by the will of Blessed Mother Teresa Fasce.
We suggest to visit the Monastery, where the visitor can retrace the spiritual experience of Rita: from the cloister with the lovingly cared vine, to the cell with the wedding ring and the sarcophagus that kept her mortal remains before the current accommodation in the Sanctuary. One can also see the fresco of the Crucifix from which she received the stigmata on her forehead, symbol of the crown of thorns.
Just six kilometers from Cascia, is the tiny village where Santa Rita was born, Roccaporena inhabited by only 73 people. Located just few steps from each other, are the places where the Saint lived her life as a daughter, mother and wife, before entering the Augustinian Convent of Cascia: the Church of San Montano, the birth house, the garden of the miracle, the marital house, the hospital, the rock of prayer, an inevitable destination of recollection and silence in prayer.

Umbria is not only art, culture and religion but also traditional food and wine, from Norcinerie to Montefalco